– Anisa Valdez This morning we were able to attend the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas. Learning about jobs we might not notice or pay much attention to. Culinary Academy provides opportunities for everyone. Helping students learn English while also learning skills for a job. The school offers programs from culinary to housekeeping. I gained Continue Reading »
– Chase Paskeoff Viva Las Vegas! We started off this morning with a delightful start at 9:00. We packed our bags, including our laundry, and headed off from Utah into Sin City. The drive was fairly short, however, the 1 hour time change made it seem even shorter than it already was. As we approached Continue Reading »
– Zev Schulman First we left the hotel. The vibes were up because we were going to the Grand Canyon. If I’m being honest, I didn’t know what to expect. I have seen pictures and have heard about the Grand Canyon, but I have never been. I was thinking about how special and cool can Continue Reading »
– Jacob Law On day 13 of Etgar 36, we started by leaving the hotel in Salt Lake City, where we stayed for our four-ish hour drive to Zion National Park in Utah. The scenery at Zion was jaw-droppingly beautiful. There were mountains around you on every side and cliffs towering over you. While we Continue Reading »
– Rachel Ackerman After a 2 1/2 hr bus ride from Rock Springs, Wyoming we arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah. Throughout the drive, we saw acres of endless mountains and lush green grass, a refreshing change from my typical east coast scenery. Following our lunch at Whole Foods, we spoke with Clark Aposhian and Continue Reading »
– Noa Mazur We started off the day by heading to the Food Bank of the Rockies. Hanna Jones, a worker at the food bank, spoke about food insecurity in Colorado and showed us different statistics on it. She also explained the difference between a food bank and a food pantry, which I had never Continue Reading »
– Elijah Schaffzin We started our day talking to Dawn Russell, a disability activist in Denver. We focused on the fight for accessibility, and it was spearheaded by groups like the Gang of 19, which laid down in front of public transport buses in Denver for two days demanding the right to ride. Their famous Continue Reading »
– Eli Levin Today started slowly, with a six-hour drive all the way from Dodge City. During our lunch stop at Subway, we had our first activity of the day; a framing discussion surrounding the issue of climate change, in preparation for our meeting tomorrow with a member of the conservative right, with whom we Continue Reading »
– Shmuli Hanai Today we started off the day in Oklahoma City. We had a nutritious breakfast of veggie omelets and a cereal of choice. Right after breakfast, we talked about gun control and gun violence prevention. We talked about our views on the second amendment and gun control. We also discussed the Constitution as Continue Reading »
– Sammy Feldman The day started with a short bus ride into Tulsa, Oklahoma, specifically the Greenwood District, where we visited a museum called Greenwood Rising. At the museum, we learned the story of the Tulsa Race Massacre through images, videos, and testimonies from the survivors. This museum taught me what the massacre was, as Continue Reading »