by Sammy Caruso The day started off with an adventure to the Culinary Academy Of Las Vegas where we met with a representative to talk about the labor unions that they represent. This was was really interesting because they represent the “invisible people” aka the people that work behind the scenes such as chefs, house-keepers, Continue Reading »
by Molly Rusoff We started off the day with an 8:00 wake up. Then, we had a great breakfast at the hotel and hopped on the bus for two hours to Las Vegas. We had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. Sweet Tomatoes is a restaurant that has a salad and pasta buffet with big dessert bar. After lunch Continue Reading »
by Caleb Daniels Yesterday we went to the Grand Canyon. I was astounded by the pure beauty of it and how you could see so far out in the distance blew my mind. The pure detail on the landscape really caught my eye. While we were on the mountain, Billy brought up the idea of Continue Reading »
by Isabella Weiss We began our day by waking up at 7:00 and driving four hours to Zion National Park. On the way, we watched the documentary Food Inc. about modern food production and agriculture. The documentary was very eye opening because it detailed the way that cheap food is produced and the means corporations go to in order to Continue Reading »
by Madison Vaughn: This morning we got the gift of sleeping in until 8:00! We were informed we had to pack pj’s, our toiletries, and an outfit for the next day due to our over night ride to Salt Lake City. We then ate breakfast and got on the bus to head to the Columbine memorial. Continue Reading »
by Danie Ludmir: Today we got out of Dodge to go to Denver. We had subway for lunch and then got back on the bus to go meet with the director of marketing and community relations at the Food Bank of the Rockies, Janie Gianotsos. At the food kitchen we learned a lot about the Continue Reading »
by Ben Goldstone: We started off the day with breakfast at the Holiday Inn and got on the road to go to Oklahoma City, OK. We stopped for lunch on the way and continued to OKC where we observed the Families Belong Together immigration rally on not separating children, in front of the capital building. Continue Reading »
by Isabela Weiss: We began today in Graceland (Elvis’s mansion) which was more extravagant than any home you have seen. The rooms were lined in chandeliers and other embroideries, including a living room designed to look like a jungle. Next, we traveled to Beale Street for lunch where myself and a few others went to Continue Reading »
by Lila Arnold: We started the day on June 26th by riding to a museum on Rosa Parks. I found it really interesting that I had always been taught that Rosa was an old woman, when in reality, she was only 42. It makes me wonder why she’s been portrayed as an old woman to Continue Reading »
Etgar 36 Summer 2018 is off to a great start! By late afternoon, everyone had made it into Atlanta. We began our programming by discussing the 1915 lynching of a local Atlanta Jew at the site where he was falsely accused of a murder. The teens contemplated how the threat of violence influenced the decision Continue Reading »